Tuesday, June 24, 2008

National Recognition on Blogs 1st B-Day

Last June we posted our first entry on the Blogspot. We have seen many changes with the blog as, we have seen in our community this past year. We would like to thank everyone who has helped make the blog such a success. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts. If you have anything you'd like posted or added to the calendar please email us. Recently our blog has been highlighted by Everyday Democracy for the impact on our community. (http://democracyspace.typepad.com/democracyspaceorg/2008/06/blog-puts-town.html):

Blog puts town on the map


Eveleth, a community in northeastern Minnesota, is known as the home of the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame and the site of Sen. Paul Wellstone's 2002 plane crash. The mining town has seen tough times lately as its population has dropped from just over 4,000 in 1990 to about 3,600 today. Steady population and economic declines are among the reasons that Eveleth decided to become involved in Horizons, the Northwest Area Foundation's rigorous program - in partnership with Everyday Democracy and the Pew Partnership for Civic Change - aimed at reducing poverty in small rural and reservation communities across the Upper Midwest, Great Plains, and Northwest.

In June 2007, several participants in Eveleth's Horizons program launched a blog as a way to share the information, ideas, and action projects that were bubbling up out of the process. The first post, on June 14, was a reprint of a local newspaper story on the wrap-up of study circles held in Eveleth. Before long, however, the Eveleth Horizons blog was itself turning into a chronicle of happenings in Eveleth - a way to record progress, bring the community together, and provide a valuable service in a town where the traditional weekly newspaper is not available online.

One year later, Eveleth bloggers Stefanie Jarvis, Heather Lindula, and Beth Peterson are going stronger than ever, with nine posts made so far in June. (There were six total in June and July 2007.) The three women are examples of the growing ranks of community bloggers who combine grassroots reporting and leadership skills to be sure the most important local stories are recorded for history. As an example, Eveleth held its community visioning event last November 1. The Eveleth Horizons blog not only promoted the event with several advance posts, but boasted coverage of the actual event the very night it happened.

Img_3035 Also like a good local newspaper, the Eveleth Horizons blog is like a combination scrapbook and bulletin board. Recent posts have featured a bike rodeo (photo at left), a call for election judges, a town clean-up, and a warning against economic stimulus check scams. The blog's left-hand "sidebar" lists "Community Successes," links to local organizations and Horizons partners, "Positive Action Ideas," and shout-outs to local businesses and sponsors that have helped make Horizons and related activities happen. The blog is also packed with photos and it features a colorful calendar (made for free at localendar.com) highlighting local events. In short, in a global 24/7 media culture ruled by breaking news, scandal, and celebrity gossip, the Eveleth Horizons blog is serving as a major source of the news that matters most to the people in Eveleth.

Is it hard to do? Blogger Stefanie Jarvis (who also works, goes to school, and raises two young children) says she has sometimes spent three to four hours a week on the project, but that it's been a good creative outlet. She likes to find new ways to jazz up the blog, such as scrolling text and an "email us" button using code she copied from a MySpace page. It's also cheap: There's no charge for Google's Blogger weblogging tool nor for most of the widgets that are abundantly available on the Internet.

Is it worth it? "Oh absolutely," Stefanie says. "It's one of the best decisions we made early on." Although the blog draws few comments, it has attracted nearly 7,000 visits since the hit counter went up late last summer, and Stefanie says the bloggers frequently get requests that they put a story on the blog. At the town clean-up this spring, about five participants said they read about it on the blog, and people of all ages seem to use it, too.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bike Rodeo

A Bike Rodeo was held at Southside Park on Saturday, the 21st. The goal is to teach bike safety skills while promoting physical health and exercise. Thanks to the Eveleth Police Department and EMS for the training.
Bikes were available for those who didn't have a bike, helmets were distributed and fixed to be on appropriately.
Thanks to Arrowhead DARE for helping to purchase helmets.

A course was set up to help in learning to manage your bicycle and being able to swerve around objects.
It was an event for the whole family!
Plans are in the works to make this an annual event!

It is time to get out on the bike, go for a bike ride, bring the whole family, and utilize the trails that are avaiable to us!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bike Rodeo

Eveleth Horizons, Eveleth Police Department, and Arrowhead DARE are sponsoring a Bike Rodeo in Eveleth!

When: Saturday, June 21, 2008
Time: 1:00PM
WHERE: South Side Park in Eveleth

Come to South Side Park bringing your bike, if you have one, to learn bike safety skills.

Don’t have a bike, but live in Eveleth?
We have some bikes that we will be distributing.

For bikes to be distributed a parent or guardian needs to come also.
Supply is limited, so arrive early!

Bring the whole family and learn to ride safely together!
Any questions? Please call Eveleth Horizons at 744-2098

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Serve as an Election Judge

are essential to our democracy. They are officials that serve the voters in the local polling places, administer election procedures, and ensure that the rights of voters are protected on Election Day. Serving as an election judge provides an opportunity to learn about the election process and is an important service to our community.

* Set up the polling place
* Operate voting equipment
* Direct voters to the correct line
* Register individuals to vote
* Ensure that all qualified voters are permitted to vote
* Demonstrate how to vote
* Distribute ballots to voters
* Assist voters
* Close the polling place
* Determine the results after the polls close
* Certify the polling place results

* Eligible to vote in MN
* Able to read, write, and speak English
* Cannot be a spouse, parent, child, or sibling of any election judge serving in the same precinct
* Cannot be a candidate or the spouse, parent, child or sibling of any candidate on the ballot in that precinct
* Must attend training

* Communicate clearly with voters
* Comfortable with assisting and serving a diverse population
* Remain impartial and not exert influence over voters
* Physical and emotional stamina
* attention to detail
* Basic math skill
* Fluency in a second language (not required)

* The wage is set by the local government conducting the election. At least minimum wage is required

* You can take time off from work to be an election judge without penalty (M.S. 204B.195)
* You will be provided a from that shows the hours you will work and the hourly pay rate
* Give your employer at least 20 days written notice, attaching the provided hours/pay rate form.
* Your employer can reduce your salary/wages by the amount you are paid for being a judge during the hours you are away from work
* Your employer can restrict the number of persons serving as an election judge to no more than 20 percent of employees at a single work site.

* College students at least 18 years of age can serve as regular election judges.
* High school students aged 16 or older can be trainee election judges.
* Citizens age 16 or older
* Able to read, write and speak English
* Good academic standing in high school or home school
* Haver permission of school and parents
* Special trainee election judge application form available at City Hall or www.evelethmn.com
* Students will be paid

* Appointments are made by the City Council
All appointments are made at least 25 days before an election. Most Election Judges are
selected shortly after July 1st.
* If appointed, you must attend training provided by your municipal clerk or county auditor in
July, Augus, September, or October.
* You will be assigned to work with several other elction judges in a polling place
* Election judges may be asked to serve in the precinct where they live or elsewhere in the city.
* Serve on Primary Day, September 9, 2008, and General Election Day, November 4, 2008

* Complete an application. Available at www.evelethmn.com or at Eveleth City Hall
* Call Eveleth City Hall (218-744-7444) to request an application be mailed to you

If appointed, you must attend training conducted in July, August, or September. You will be paid for training time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Home Stretch Workshops

Learn about the home buying process, responsibilities of home ownership, and how to overcome any barriers.
Call AEOA and ask about the Home Stretch Workshops at 1-800-662-5711 extension 268 or 218-748-7318.
Here are some workshops:
June 17th and 18th from 5:00PM - 10:00PM ~ Downstairs of AEOA
August 5th and 7th from 5:00PM - 10:00PM ~ Downstairs of AEOA
July 15th and 17th from 9:00AM - 2:00PM ~ Downstairs of AEOA
September 9th and 11th from 9:00AM - 2:00PM ~ Downstairs of AEOA
Saturday June 28th from 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Grace Lutheran Church
4010 9th Avenue West ~ Hibbing
Saturday August 23rd from 8:30AM - 5:00 PM
Location to be determined
1-800-662-5711 EXTENSION 267 OR 748-732-18
The $35 cost of the workshop includes a credit report
Down payment and closing cost assistance may be available for income qualified buyers. Funds provided through Northeast MN Home Consortium
You must attend the full workshop to be eligible for assistance.


Just think:

If 2,000 people from Eveleth volunteer one hour each month:

That would be the equivalent....
* In one month the work one person working full-time can accomplish in one year;
* In one month the work 2 full-time employees could accomplish in 6 months;
* Of 24,000 hours of work in one year;
* In one year the work 12 full-time employees can accomplish in one year;
* In 6 months, the work 24 full-time employees can accomplish.

Are you willing to contribute one hour per month?
Are there issues in the community that you are passionate about?
Issues you would like to see changed and addressed?
Areas you are interested in working on?

Eveleth Horizons would love to have more people from the community working together toward the goal of eradicating poverty and making Eveleth thrive.

Please contact us at eveleth.horizons@gmail or call 218-744-2098.

Working together we can accomplish what before seemed impossible!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Night Without a Home

Join us Saturday, September 20th for the 3rd annual “Night Without A Home” Sleep Out to benefit the Quad Cities “Partners in Caring” Assistance Fund

“Night Without A Home” Sleep Out is an event intended to raise awareness of homelessness and poverty within our community by sleeping outside on Saturday, Sept 20 at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Virginia. The night will be filled with powerful learning experiences and fun. In addition to sleeping outside, participants will understand what it’s like to be homeless from community members who have been there as well as learning about some of the causes of homelessness and solutions from advocates who work to help our most vulnerable neighbors.

To learn more about this exciting event contact:
Pastor Kristen Foster at 218-741-7057 or

Featuring: Sheltered Reality, a musical group that employs the power of music to engage and motivate audiences to make positive changes both in themselves and the world they live in, will be performing at the event.

** Sponsorship **
** Project Homeless Connect is a subcommittee of the Heading Home St. Louis County Plan to End Homelessness. The event is designed to break down barriers and truly connect people to the services they need to escape homelessness. ** The College of St. Scholastica is a Catholic Benedictine institution and the only independent private college in Northeastern Minnesota. ** Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Virginia, MN

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day is a day of commemoration and celebration of Dad -the special man in our life. We often forget the sacrifice of our fathers and the roles they have played in shaping our lives. Father's Day gives us the opportunity to show and express our love and care to this man, who deserves our support most.Father's Day is the most appropriate platform to make us look beyond 'our own' family and honor the man who brought us joy and happiness. Father's Day is a day to honor not only your father, but all men who have acted as a father figure in your life - whether as Stepfathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, or "Big Brothers."

The word 'Father' is often used to honor spiritual leaders, inventors and originator of an idea, product, service or person. It is so, that fathers have always been associated with guidance and protection, as the person who can be loved, respected and looked up to. Let's use the Father's Day to let these special men know what place they have in our lives and what influence they have on us.

Father's Day is a time of burnt toast and breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You Dad" and, of course, that lovely new tie!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Employment information

Looking for a job?
One great way to search for employment is by using the computer. There are many listings for jobs on http://www.minnesotaworks.net If you need assistance with using this website, please visit your local Workforce Center. For Eveleth, the closest Workforce Center would be in Virginia: 820 North 9th Street. The website allows you to put in up to 5 resumes which are then viewable to potential employers.

This is a great way to advertise your open positions. You can post your postions for free; view resumes searching for potential candidates; and tap into a large pool of potential employees. The registration can be done at http://www.minnesotaworks.net After you complete the registration, it takes up to 24 hours to be approved. From then on, you can post your positions as they become available. You can post paid positions, volunteer positions, and apprenticeships. There is assistance if needed at your local Workforce Center. In Virginia: 820 North 9th Street or call 748-2200.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cell phones wanted

Do you have old cell phones and aren't sure what to do with them? There is an opportunity to recycle your old phone and help out someone in need!

Range Women's Advocates is always in need of cell phones. The phones are cleared of information and then provided to individuals to use in case of an emergency.

Please don't throw away your old phone or put it away to never be used again. You can bring it down to the Eveleth City Hall. The phones will be collected and then forwarded to RWA. We can all work together to get your old phone into the hands of individuals whose safety may depend on it!


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