The University of Minnesota has developed an online course for parents that address the risks associated with binge drinking during the college years. It provides statistics, tips for talking about alcohol, comments from parents and college students, online discussion opportunities, and a list ofavailable resources.
Studies show that while parents cannot monitor their students' actions daily, they do continue to influence the way studentsconduct themselves during the college years. Students who perceive that their parents know what they are doing are less likely to engage in behaviors they know their parents disapprove of.
Who: Any parent of a college student or soon-to-be college student.
Why: Even if your student does not drink, he/she will beinteracting with students who do, and will have to makedecisions about drinking. Although you probably have been talking with your student about alcohol, the college environment related to alcohol isdifferent, and the messages that you have been giving need tobe adjusted to meet the needs and questions of a college-aged student.
What: An online course you can take at your own convenience,resources you can use when you need them, and a connection to a virtual community of other parents.
But I've never taken an online course: When you first enter the course, click on the "Course Introduction" icon. From there, click on "Getting Started." We've provided a series of instructions for moving through the course.
How much: Just $20 for a limited time.To get started, visit: project is a collaboration between University ofMinnesota Parent Program, University of Minnesota Extension,and the Department of Family Social Science.
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