Thursday, March 27, 2008

IRDTC Dog Expo

IRDTC Dog Expo
Saturday April 5, 2008 from 9AM - 5PM
RRCC - Range Recreation Civic Center
(901 Hat Trick Avenue, Eveleth)
Demonstrations (Speakers)
9AM Team Obedience & Rally (How to greet a dog)
10AM White German Shephard Show (Dr. Sandra Tuominen & Canine First Aid)
11AM White German Shephard Show (Massage Therapy by Marcia Swanson)
12PM White German Shephard Show (Grooming Demo by Jane Lehtinen)
1PM K-9 Demo by St. Louis County Sheriff Canine Dept. & North St. Louis Rescue,
Gilbert Police Department (Canine Parasites by Dr. Chris Goebel)
2PM Agility by Arrowhead Dog Agility Assoc. (Canine nutrition by Rachel Herbison)
3PM Earthdog & Tricks with Sandy (Canine parasites by Dr. Chris Goebel )
4PM Advanced Obedience (Grooming Demo by Jane Lehtinen)

All Day: Meet the breeds - raffles - Photo contest - don't forget to Vote!

Schedule is subject to change

There will be various vendors there!

Admission: $5 for adults; $2.50 ages 6-18; Free for ages 5 & Under

Only dogs participating in demonstrations are admitted - please leave your pet at home. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to selected canine charities.

Face painting

Thanks to Rachel for providing face painting. It was fun to see so many decorated faces!!!!

PUCK Days / March Madness Parade

People lined the streets in Eveleth for the parade on the 15th of March for the "PUCK Days / March Madness" winter parade....

Thanks to all those that participated in the parade

The hockey players are such a large part of our community, bringing people together to celebrate our heritage...

A special thank you to the Police, Fire, and EMS

The grandmarshals of the parade: The girls hockey team. Thanks to the Hockey Hall of Fame for the float!

Arrowhead Transist provides bus service in Eveleth. You can call 741-0724 for ride information. There are pickups in Eveleth to go to Virgnia and Duluth! Try the bus!!!

A special thank you to the Eveleth Clown Band. All of you have so much community spirit. We applaud each and everyone of you!

Some participated in the parade on skiis and snowshoes!

It was fun to see so many snowmobiles in the parade!

Even the younger ones took part in the parade on their snowmobiles!

Thanks to all those who made this event such a success. Plan your winter floats or units for another winter parade in Eveleth!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Selling of hot dogs/polish

Thanks to the volunteers who helped make polish, hot dogs, coffee, and hot cocoa to warm those who came to the snowmobile show. Your help was greatly appreciated....Thanks to those who made the purchases. The money raised will be used to help provide assistance to families in need. Many of those in need include our elderly population and individuals struggling with disabilities. If you would like to help with a fundraising event, or would like to show your support,
we can use the help.
In 1999/2000 census:
15.4 % of individuals in Eveleth were below the poverty threshhold
The poverty threshold in 2000:
$8,794 for a family of 1
$11, 239 for a family of 2
$13,738 for a family of 3
Eveleth had a higher poverty rate than St. Louis County and the state of MN
Together we can make change and better our community and the lifes of those in our community, one step (or one coffee) at a time!

Arrowhead DARE at RRCC Run

For many people, the thought of St. Patrick's Day brings to mind, "green beer". Thanks to Arrowhead DARE many individuals, when thinking of St. Patrick's Day will think of: sledding down RRCC Run, hot cocoa, hot dogs, burgers, bonfire, and a lot of fun.Thanks to Arrowhead DARE for hosting the Family Sliding Day at RRCC Run on the 15th of March. It was a great day to be sliding down the hill and spending time with family and friends.

City Hall

City Hall was open on the 15th from 10-12 for community members to come tour City Hall, say "hi!", and view the "Copper Box of Memories". Thanks Jackie for being there!If you haven't seen the "Cooper Box of Memories" stop by City Hall to see the history from the corner stone!

Craft / Quilt Show

A quilt/craft show was held at the Senior Citizens Center from 2-4 on March 15th.

Thanks to all those that brought their quilted objects to show. You are an inspiration!!!

Crafters had tables to sell their merchandise they have created....

The winner of the Mayor's choice for the best quilted object went to:
Linda who won a gift certificate to "Terri's Treasures"

Special thanks to:
Eveleth Senior Citizens Center for allowing us to use your wonderful building!
Carla and Steve for volunteering your time to help with the event
Beth and her family for working to make this event such a success.
For all you quilters and crafters, let's get busy crafting for another quilt/craft show next year!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Book Fair

A book fair was held at the Library from 2-4PM. Many books were donated and the cost to take them home? A cash donation to Bill's House (homeless shelter in Virginia) and / or a food donation to the Quad Cities Foodshelf in Gilbert.

Thanks for the support from the community. Food was donated and over $100 was raised for Bill's House!!!!!

Thanks to Samantha and Mia for helping to set up the book fair!
MaryBeth for agreeing to keep the library open!
Jon, Carla, Dino, and Char for helping with the book fair on Saturday!

We hope to do this again in the future, so take out your books, read them again, and prepare to donate them?!?

Snowmobile Show

Many people came to Southside Park on March 15th for the PUCK Days snowmobile showSnowmobiles of all shapes, sizes, years, makes, and models participated

Vickie calls out the winners of the show

(The list of trophy winners aren't in order of the photos)

Best Antique original: Dave Pietila
Best Antique Restored: Jim and Sue Sailer

Best Vintage Original: Jake Takvam

Best Vintage Restored: Brett and Anna Peterson

Best of Show: Bruce Sampson

A "Best Rat" wasn't awarded as all of the sleds were great!

The trophy for "Farthest away" went to Greg Pepttinelli (Missouri)

Best Orphan: Carl Pellin

Oldest Operational sled: Jim Ellis

Best Modern Modified:
Lisa Marchetti

Best Snowcross:
Ron Schaff

Eveleth Clown Band's Choice:
Ron Schaff

Most Creative Entry:
Matt Prebarich

Most Spirted Entry:
Paul Petron

Funniest Entry:
Ian Hutkowski

Thanks to all those that came to the snowmobile show!!!

THANKS to those that brought their snowbiles for everyone to see!

A great big thanks to the following for their support:
Eveleth Merchant's Association
Northern Belt & Conveyor
Miner's National Bank
Eveleth Lion's Club
Lundgren Motor's, Inc.
Lenny's Tattoos
Blade Motorsports Group, Inc.
Arrowhead DARE
City of Eveleth
City of Eveleth Employees
Bonsai Tea
Hockey Hall of Fame Museum
Range Print Shop
Arrowhead Transit
Eveleth Senior Citizens Center
Eveleth Public Library
A-1 Services - Eveleth
Starkovich Distributing
Paul's Market and Catering
Eveleth IGA
Master Outlet

Prepare your sleds and let's make this an annual tradition in Eveleth!!

Special thanks to Vickie for all the hard work you did in making this event such a success!


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