IRDTC Dog Expo
Saturday April 5, 2008 from 9AM - 5PM
RRCC - Range Recreation Civic Center
(901 Hat Trick Avenue, Eveleth)

9AM Team Obedience & Rally (How to greet a dog)
10AM White German Shephard Show (Dr. Sandra Tuominen & Canine First Aid)
11AM White German Shephard Show (Massage Therapy by Marcia Swanson)
12PM White German Shephard Show (Grooming Demo by Jane Lehtinen)
1PM K-9 Demo by St. Louis County Sheriff Canine Dept. & North St. Louis Rescue,
Gilbert Police Department (Canine Parasites by Dr. Chris Goebel)
2PM Agility by Arrowhead Dog Agility Assoc. (Canine nutrition by Rachel Herbison)
3PM Earthdog & Tricks with Sandy (Canine parasites by Dr. Chris Goebel )
4PM Advanced Obedience (Grooming Demo by Jane Lehtinen)
All Day: Meet the breeds - raffles - Photo contest - don't forget to Vote!
Schedule is subject to change
There will be various vendors there!
Admission: $5 for adults; $2.50 ages 6-18; Free for ages 5 & Under
Only dogs participating in demonstrations are admitted - please leave your pet at home. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to selected canine charities.