Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Computer Basics Training for Seniors

Computer Basics Training for Seniors

When: Saturday, March 8, 2008
Time: 9am-12pm
Where: East Range Academy of Technology and Science

We are offering a free basic computer training for seniors. A Computer Basics class offers seniors a chance to learn computer basics, e-mail, and the internet in a safe
and fun environment.

If you are looking for work, this class can help you improve your skills for employability.

Opening an e-mail account
Posting resume online for others to view

If you are looking to communicate with family and friends, this class will give you that ability.

Learning to send and receive e-mails
Learning how to attach and view pictures
Learn to surf the internet

No computer experience is necessary. Class size is limited. To register please call Stefanie
(218) 269-5377

Thank you to the East Range Academy of Technology and Science for co-sponsoring this event

Thursday, February 21, 2008

PUCK (Patrick / Urho Community Kinship) Days

Let's get together for a weekend of exciting events in Eveleth to celebrate our cultures and heritage

Friday night, March 14th (6-8PM at Hoagie's): Pull out your pots, chili powder, chili peppers, or just your antacids for a chili cook-off. Cook your secret recipe to put into the contest or come to sample the chili to help determine the Chili Cook-off Champion.


Beginning at 10AM come to the sliding hill for a "Family Sliding Day" sponsored by Arrowhead DARE.

There will be hot dogs, chips, hot chocolate.

Don't have a sled? Several extra sleds will be available for use.

Beginning at 11AM:
Come to Southside park to see Antique, Vintage, and Modern snowmobiles. Trophies will be distributed at 12:30.

Want to be in a winter parade? There will be snow lining part of the street so we can demonstrate our winter heritage: Want to snowshoe, ski, snowmobile, pull children in a sled, run a dog sled team? Want to pull your fish house, but it's on wheels? That's okay, the snow will only be on a portion of the street so all types of floats/units can be in the parade. If interested in being in the parade, line up will begin at 11AM at Southside Park. If you can't make it at 11, that's okay, you can line up anytime prior to the start of the parade.
Not interested in being in the parade? Come and watch - the parade route will go down Grant from Fayal to Jones.

Beginning at 2:00 come to the Quilt show / Craft Fair at the Eveleth Senior Citizens Center.
Have a quilt you would like to show?
Have crafts you would like to sell?

If interested in the quilt or craft show contact Heather at 744-2352 to register. Space is limited so call soon!

Also beginning at 2PM: BOOK FAIR
Come to the library for a book fair. The cost? A food donation or cash donation. Food donations will be given to the Quad Cities Food shelf and the cash donations will be given to Bill's House (the local shelter). Get books and help out the community at the same time.
Have books you would like to donate? You can bring them to the Eveleth Library and let them know they are for the Eveleth Horizons book fair.
After the parade: JACKPINE BOCCE BALL
Come to the Jackpine Bocce Ball event.
Also from 2-6PM: Come to Bonsai Tea (411 Grant Avenue) for an OPEN STAGE! All are welcome!
Please watch for more events as they continue to evolve. Interested in hosting an event or volunteering? Contact Heather at 744-2352 or comment below. We would love to have more activities for the community and are in need of volunteers.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why we should all volunteer

Sure, volunteering is great for your community and makes the world a better place; but could it actually make a positive impact on your life, too?
Whether you want to improve your CV with new skills, meet new people or just feel good about yourself, volunteering opportunities could change your life for the better.

Build your confidence
Many volunteers encounter a variety of new challenges when they begin giving time in their communities. Sharing new experiences with new people, they can learn new skills that can give them confidence to face challenges in other areas of their lives

Introduce you to new friends
There’s no better place to meet likeminded individuals than through volunteering for a campaign or cause you believe in. Working together to bring about a change is a great way to bond with others and become part of a community that can stay in touch long after your work is done. Plus, you could meet people from a diverse range of backgrounds – people you may never come across in your daily life.

Create more fun in your life
Many volunteers are surprised at how much fun it can be to help others. Not every volunteer experience is the same, but by finding an opportunity that matches your interests, you have a good chance of having fun while giving time.

Improve your health
There is evidence that volunteering can improve your health. In “The Healing Power of Doing Good”, writer Allan Luks found medical and scientific documentation supporting the health benefits of volunteering, such as:

1. a heightened sense of well-being
2. an improvement in insomnia
3. a stronger immune system
4. speedier recovery from surgery

Boost your career options
Volunteering can bring you into contact with all kinds of professionals and people from every walk of life. In fact, the networking opportunities it can provide are among the least publicised but most exciting benefits of all. A good network can guide your career pathway right through life and help you take giant steps towards your ideal job.
Up to 60% of job vacancies are not advertised and end up being filled internally or through external networking.

Building your business
Volunteerism is one of the easiest and effective ways to show that your company is committed to communities, that it plans to be around a long time, and that the philanthropic attitude is more than just the willingness to write a check... that it means personal involvement from the top down.

Why be a Volunteer?

It’s not for the money, it’s not for fame and it’s not for any personal gain.
It's for love of fellow man, It’s just to lend a helping hand.
It’s just to give the tithe of self.
That’s something you can’t buy with wealth.
It’s not the medals worn with pride.
It's just for that feeling deep inside.
It’s that reward down in your heart.
It’s the feeling that you’ve been a part.
Of helping others far and near,That makes you a VOLUNTEER.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

March events

Stay tuned for exciting updates for the events to be held in March:
March 14th:
Chili cook-off in the evening
March 15th:
Antique snowmobile show at Southside Park beginning at 11.
(Handing out of trophies at 12:30)
Parade of snowmobiles and other exciting floats at 1PM
Quilt/craft show at 2PM
Book Fair at the Library beginning at 2PM
(bring a food or monetary donation and bring home books)
(proceeds will be given to the Quad Cities Food Shelf and Bill's House)
Jackpine Bocce Ball tournament (after the parade)
Interested in participating in the parade? Have quilts you would like to show? Have crafts you would like to sell? Have books to donate?
Call Heather at 744-2352 or e-mail at eveleth.horizons@gmail.com

Friday, February 8, 2008

Volunteers needed

We are seeking volunteers to help with a St. Patrick's Day Parade. We welcome ideas, your creative floats in the parade, etc. If interested, please contact Heather at 744-2352.

The parade will be held March 15th at 1:00PM.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Horizons Economic Development Meeting Set

The Horizons Economic Development Committee will be meeting on Tuesday February 12, 2008 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Goodfellas.

All are welcome to attend. Agenda items will include business involvment in the St. Patrick's Day parade/celebration, and continuing work on a business spotlight program. New ideas are welcome and accepted. Hope to see you there!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Welcome to the Year of the Rat.

Learn to Skate

Eveleth Horizons "Learn to Skate" continues at the Hippodrome.
Come join others from the community who are learning to skate or who enjoy skating on most Wednesdays from roughly 6:40 to 8:00 PM. For further information on the schedule, you can contact the Hippodrome.

First season learning to skate - and doing great on her own!
Bring the family. It's a great way to spend time with the family doing an activity that is so prevalent and for which Eveleth is known.

The ice time is free, so come on down for a very inexpensive evening of fun!

Continued thanks to all those who make this event such a fun opportunity!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Beautification Committee Meeting

We will be meeting Monday, Febraury 11, 2008

We meet at Eveleth City Hall, from 5pm to 6:30pm

Come socialize with neighbors while working on projects to beautify our city.

Everyone is welcome to attend!


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