Thanks to:
- Public works director Mike Wiskow who whelped with the logistics and ensuring that the skatepark was ready for the event
- Eveleth Merchants who voluteered to pay for rental of tents - due to all the recent rain, we were very nervous that it would be a wet exhibition. Thanks to the Eveleth Merchants for their generous support - the day turned out to be beautiful!
- Super 8 Motel and Snap Fitness for your donations of door prizes
- Mesabi Recreation for your donation of stickers.
- Mojosaurus, a local band, donated their talents to provide the event with music
- Italian Bakery for your donation of the cake - it was beautiful
- Parks commission members Connie and Barb who gilled hotdogs and assisted with the making of S'mores
- East Range Academy of Technology and Science who provided videographers
- Teery Hartikka of Public Access Channel who agreed to put the event on television
- Officer Brandon and Officer John from the Eveleth Police Department who came to cheer on the kids and help with the event
- Skater Curtis who came up with the rules
- Laurie Kuoppala for judging the event
- the parents and friends who came to cheer on the event
- Tanner, Austin, Matt, Garrett, Dakota, Tyler, Logan, Raven, Nate, Cody, Hunter, David, Brad, Curtis, Nick, Ryan, Cale, Brady, Nathaniel, and Mike. All of you are amazing.
- Stef J. from Horizons and councilor Kuoppala who worked so hard to make this exhibition a reality and a tremendous event.
The event included both skateboarding and skooters:
Councilor Liz Kuoppala gave it a try:
Please enjoy the pictures below, showing these talented youth in action:
Thanks to all who made this such a success.
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