Please join the Eveleth Community in a community visioning.
Where do you see Eveleth in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
Want to have input into where it will be?
Join the community in an amazing event - Community Visioning.
When: November 1, 2007
Where: Eveleth High School
Time: Free dinner at 5PM, community visioning rally to follow.
How to get involved:
comment below, call 218-305-4456 or e-mail
This session will be facilitated by David Beurle (Founder and Managing Director of Innovative Leadership Australia). David holds a firm conviction that the future of rural and regional areas, lies in the hands of the local people. David's work in community and economic development has earned him - and his work - international, national, and State awards.
Please join us and recruit all that you know who live in or are closely connected to the Eveleth community.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
August / September Update
1. Skatepark Grand Opening a Tremendous Success - On Saturday, September 22nd, Horizons sponsored a Skateboarding Competition and Open House at the newly relocated skatepark behind the IGA. More than 20 skateboarders participated in the competition and were cheered on by dozens of adult spectators. Special thanks to Mike Wiskow at Eveleth Public Works for his support; to the Eveleth Merchants for donating a tent in case of rain; to the Super 8 Motel, Snap Fitness, and Mesabi Recreation for donating prizes; Mojosaurus for providing live music; the Italian Bakery for donating a beautifully decorated cake; Parks Commission members Connie Sabetti and Barb Cox for grilling hotdogs and assisting with the making of s’mores; East Range Academy of Technology and Science for vidoegraphers; Terry Hartikka of Public Access for agreeing to put the event on television; Officer Brandon and Officer John of the Eveleth Police Department for cheering on the kids and helping with the event; and to all the talented riders of skateboards and scooters for impressing everyone with your talent. Adults and youth signed up to form an Eveleth Skateboarding Association to work on celebrating the sport, improving public image of skateboarding, and ensuring Eveleth residents have reason to be proud of the skatepark.
2. Eveleth Horizons Receives Recognition – On September 20th, University of MN Extension hosted a luncheon at the Deluxe to celebrate the accomplishments of Eveleth Horizons and presented a $1,500 award to the group.
3. Summer Soccer Wraps Up with Awards Ceremony – Horizons Summer Soccer players wrapped up their season with hotdogs and hamburgers donated by Super One Foods, a presentation of medals paid for by Miner’s Bank, and individual and team photos donated by coach Amy Zadnikar. Thanks to Larry for organizing it all; to coaches Amy, Alan, Terry, and Shawn; and to the parents and kids for your dedication.
4. Skating for Beginners – The City Council approved ice time at the Hippodrome for a beginner’s skating program being coordinated by Larry Zadnikar. Call Larry (744.1082) to sign up for skating or coaching. If you have skates or winter clothing to donate, you can do so at the Eveleth City Hall or the Hippodrome (during business hours) from October 1 through October 15th.
5. Eveleth’s 1st Annual National Night Out - Connections were made between neighbors, police, and EMS at four successful block parties around town on August 7th for National Night Out. We saw the inside of an ambulance, met people who "serve and protect" and learned about some of the "gadgets" the police use. Fun was had by all and plans are already in place to do the same next year. Thanks to the block leaders, Eveleth’s police department, and the EMS Service. If you are interested in getting your block involved next year, please contact Eveleth Horizons at (218)305-4456 – this is a local number – or by e-mailing:
6. Downtown Beautification – 4th Saturday (10a-Noon) -- Please join the Eveleth Horizons monthly project of cleaning the downtown area. On the 4th Saturday of the month through October, individuals are encouraged to clean up the downtown area. The meeting point is at the Italian Bakery at 10a. (Meet early and purchase some of their great bakery goods). We will spend two hours cleaning up downtown, connecting with neighbors and building community spirit! Garbage bags and gloves will be provided.
7. Eveleth Horizons Makes Organizational Progress – A steering committee is now meeting monthly to ensure the range of ideas prioritized at the Action Forum will be addressed through various committees. In addition to the blog (, Horizons now has email (, a local phone number (218.305.4456), and a fiscal agent!
8. November 1st Community Visioning Session – Please join your neighbors, colleagues, and friends at a community visioning session at the Eveleth-Gilbert High School on Thurs, November 1. A free community dinner will be served 5p-6p; the visioning session will be held 6p-9p. Bring your voice to the conversation shaping Eveleth’s future! Encourage others to bring their voices as well.
9. Legislative Commission to End Poverty Tours Iron Range – Several Horizons volunteers have been very active in planning a visit of the Legislative Poverty Commission. The Commission is charged with developing guidelines to end poverty and prepare recommendations on how to end poverty in Minnesota by 2020. The commission was established by the 2006 Legislature and is guided by the following principles: (a) There should be a consistent and persistent approach; (b) All people should be provided with adequate food and shelter, meaningful work, safe communities, health care and education; (c) All people are intended to live well together as a whole community, seeking the common good; (d) All people need to work together to overcome poverty and overcoming poverty requires the use of private and public resources; (e) Alliances are needed between the faith community, nonprofit agencies, government, business and others with a commitment to overcoming poverty; (f) Overcoming poverty involves both acts of direct service and advocacy to change those structures that result in people living in poverty; (g) Government is neither solely responsible for alleviating poverty nor removed from that responsibility. To learn more, visit:
10. Things in the works – The Community Events Committee is planning a citywide ethnic picnic for summer/fall 2008; the Youth Committee hopes to schedule a day for painting playground equipment in the city parks if the weather can stay sunny and warm long enough; the Transportation Committee is working with Arrowhead Transit to reduce barriers to service, creating a car clinic for people to learn basic maintenance of vehicles, and planning a meeting with Congressman James Oberstar to discuss transportation issues; the Economic Development Committee met with Community Vitality staff at Extension to discuss potential training opportunities; and the Education Committee has had meetings with the High School, Junior High, ERATS, and Mesabi Range to discuss potential partnerships. To get involved with any of these committees, contact Heather at 218.305.4456.
To Be Of Use by Marge Piercy
The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half-submerged balls.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again.
I want to be with people who submerge
in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
and work in a row and pass the bags along,
who are not parlor generals and field deserters
but move in a common rhythm
when the food must come in or the fire be put out.
The work of the world is common as mud.
Botched it smears the hands, crumbles to dust
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clear and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used.
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real.
2. Eveleth Horizons Receives Recognition – On September 20th, University of MN Extension hosted a luncheon at the Deluxe to celebrate the accomplishments of Eveleth Horizons and presented a $1,500 award to the group.
3. Summer Soccer Wraps Up with Awards Ceremony – Horizons Summer Soccer players wrapped up their season with hotdogs and hamburgers donated by Super One Foods, a presentation of medals paid for by Miner’s Bank, and individual and team photos donated by coach Amy Zadnikar. Thanks to Larry for organizing it all; to coaches Amy, Alan, Terry, and Shawn; and to the parents and kids for your dedication.
4. Skating for Beginners – The City Council approved ice time at the Hippodrome for a beginner’s skating program being coordinated by Larry Zadnikar. Call Larry (744.1082) to sign up for skating or coaching. If you have skates or winter clothing to donate, you can do so at the Eveleth City Hall or the Hippodrome (during business hours) from October 1 through October 15th.
5. Eveleth’s 1st Annual National Night Out - Connections were made between neighbors, police, and EMS at four successful block parties around town on August 7th for National Night Out. We saw the inside of an ambulance, met people who "serve and protect" and learned about some of the "gadgets" the police use. Fun was had by all and plans are already in place to do the same next year. Thanks to the block leaders, Eveleth’s police department, and the EMS Service. If you are interested in getting your block involved next year, please contact Eveleth Horizons at (218)305-4456 – this is a local number – or by e-mailing:
6. Downtown Beautification – 4th Saturday (10a-Noon) -- Please join the Eveleth Horizons monthly project of cleaning the downtown area. On the 4th Saturday of the month through October, individuals are encouraged to clean up the downtown area. The meeting point is at the Italian Bakery at 10a. (Meet early and purchase some of their great bakery goods). We will spend two hours cleaning up downtown, connecting with neighbors and building community spirit! Garbage bags and gloves will be provided.
7. Eveleth Horizons Makes Organizational Progress – A steering committee is now meeting monthly to ensure the range of ideas prioritized at the Action Forum will be addressed through various committees. In addition to the blog (, Horizons now has email (, a local phone number (218.305.4456), and a fiscal agent!
8. November 1st Community Visioning Session – Please join your neighbors, colleagues, and friends at a community visioning session at the Eveleth-Gilbert High School on Thurs, November 1. A free community dinner will be served 5p-6p; the visioning session will be held 6p-9p. Bring your voice to the conversation shaping Eveleth’s future! Encourage others to bring their voices as well.
9. Legislative Commission to End Poverty Tours Iron Range – Several Horizons volunteers have been very active in planning a visit of the Legislative Poverty Commission. The Commission is charged with developing guidelines to end poverty and prepare recommendations on how to end poverty in Minnesota by 2020. The commission was established by the 2006 Legislature and is guided by the following principles: (a) There should be a consistent and persistent approach; (b) All people should be provided with adequate food and shelter, meaningful work, safe communities, health care and education; (c) All people are intended to live well together as a whole community, seeking the common good; (d) All people need to work together to overcome poverty and overcoming poverty requires the use of private and public resources; (e) Alliances are needed between the faith community, nonprofit agencies, government, business and others with a commitment to overcoming poverty; (f) Overcoming poverty involves both acts of direct service and advocacy to change those structures that result in people living in poverty; (g) Government is neither solely responsible for alleviating poverty nor removed from that responsibility. To learn more, visit:
10. Things in the works – The Community Events Committee is planning a citywide ethnic picnic for summer/fall 2008; the Youth Committee hopes to schedule a day for painting playground equipment in the city parks if the weather can stay sunny and warm long enough; the Transportation Committee is working with Arrowhead Transit to reduce barriers to service, creating a car clinic for people to learn basic maintenance of vehicles, and planning a meeting with Congressman James Oberstar to discuss transportation issues; the Economic Development Committee met with Community Vitality staff at Extension to discuss potential training opportunities; and the Education Committee has had meetings with the High School, Junior High, ERATS, and Mesabi Range to discuss potential partnerships. To get involved with any of these committees, contact Heather at 218.305.4456.
To Be Of Use by Marge Piercy
The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half-submerged balls.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again.
I want to be with people who submerge
in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
and work in a row and pass the bags along,
who are not parlor generals and field deserters
but move in a common rhythm
when the food must come in or the fire be put out.
The work of the world is common as mud.
Botched it smears the hands, crumbles to dust
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clear and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used.
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Eveleth Horizons is starting a “learn to skate” program for adults and youth. Interested in learning the fundamentals of skating?
Please sign up! Come down to the Eveleth Hippodrome on October 16th and/or October 17th from 6PM to 8PM to sign up for the program.
(The dates and times of the skating will be announced when the Hippodrome finalizes their ice schedule – on or around October 17th.)
Know how to skate?
Volunteers are needed to help coach and mentor those who are just learning. If you have further questions, please call 218-305-4456.
If you would like to help with the distribution of skates, winter apparel, and toys, we need volunteers on October 15th, 16th and 17th from 6-8PM. If interested, please call Eveleth Horizons at 218-305-4456 (this is a local number) or e-mail
Have old skates?
We are looking for donated skates, winter clothing, and toys for youth. If you have any items that you would be able to donate, please bring them to either Eveleth City Hall or the Eveleth Hippodrome (during business hours) any day October 1st through October 12th.
Eveleth Horizons is starting a “learn to skate” program for adults and youth. Interested in learning the fundamentals of skating?
Please sign up! Come down to the Eveleth Hippodrome on October 16th and/or October 17th from 6PM to 8PM to sign up for the program.
(The dates and times of the skating will be announced when the Hippodrome finalizes their ice schedule – on or around October 17th.)
Know how to skate?
Volunteers are needed to help coach and mentor those who are just learning. If you have further questions, please call 218-305-4456.
If you would like to help with the distribution of skates, winter apparel, and toys, we need volunteers on October 15th, 16th and 17th from 6-8PM. If interested, please call Eveleth Horizons at 218-305-4456 (this is a local number) or e-mail
Have old skates?
We are looking for donated skates, winter clothing, and toys for youth. If you have any items that you would be able to donate, please bring them to either Eveleth City Hall or the Eveleth Hippodrome (during business hours) any day October 1st through October 12th.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Eveleth Horizons organized a skateboarding exhibition to celebrate the opening of the new skatepark (the skatepark has been moved). The event had broad support from many sectors of the community.
Thanks to:

Everyone had fun and plans are in place to continue working on demonstarting the skills of skateboarders. The plan is to set up a skateboarding association. If you are interested in joining, please contact Horizons at 218-305-4456 or . We will send you a registration card.
Thanks to:
- Public works director Mike Wiskow who whelped with the logistics and ensuring that the skatepark was ready for the event
- Eveleth Merchants who voluteered to pay for rental of tents - due to all the recent rain, we were very nervous that it would be a wet exhibition. Thanks to the Eveleth Merchants for their generous support - the day turned out to be beautiful!
- Super 8 Motel and Snap Fitness for your donations of door prizes
- Mesabi Recreation for your donation of stickers.
- Mojosaurus, a local band, donated their talents to provide the event with music
- Italian Bakery for your donation of the cake - it was beautiful
- Parks commission members Connie and Barb who gilled hotdogs and assisted with the making of S'mores
- East Range Academy of Technology and Science who provided videographers
- Teery Hartikka of Public Access Channel who agreed to put the event on television
- Officer Brandon and Officer John from the Eveleth Police Department who came to cheer on the kids and help with the event
- Skater Curtis who came up with the rules
- Laurie Kuoppala for judging the event
- the parents and friends who came to cheer on the event
- Tanner, Austin, Matt, Garrett, Dakota, Tyler, Logan, Raven, Nate, Cody, Hunter, David, Brad, Curtis, Nick, Ryan, Cale, Brady, Nathaniel, and Mike. All of you are amazing.
- Stef J. from Horizons and councilor Kuoppala who worked so hard to make this exhibition a reality and a tremendous event.
The event included both skateboarding and skooters:
Councilor Liz Kuoppala gave it a try:
Please enjoy the pictures below, showing these talented youth in action:
Thanks to all who made this such a success.
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