1. Summer Soccer Sign-Up
Horizons volunteers are giving young people (ages 5-15) an opportunity to learn and practice soccer skills this summer. The program will run July 26 through September 6. Parents can sign up their children between 10A-7P at City Hall on Mon, July 9, or Tue, July 10. Suggested donation: $5. Adult volunteers are encouraged to sign up as well. No soccer experience necessary. Note: this program is not meant to conflict with any existing soccer programs in the area - but to supplement existing programs by getting more young people into the "soccer pipeline" while offering Eveleth youth an affordable outdoor summer sporting activity.
2. See you at the Parade!
We are looking for volunteers to join the Horizons float in the Gilbert and Eveleth parades - bring friends and family as well - any age! Gilbert parade line-up 6:30p (July 3rd) at the south end of main street in Gilbert. Eveleth line-up 8:30a (July 4) at the ballpark by Franklin School. RSVP to Liz or just show-up on parade day!
3. Leadership Plenty
The 15 people who went through Leadership Plenty last week are raving about it. You can learn more about the training modules at:
http://www.pew-partnership.org/lpinstitute.html Trainings will continue three Mondays in July: 9th, 16th, 23rd. (8:30-4:00 at Kaleva Island just south of Eveleth) For more information or to sign up for this free training contact Heather at
http://us.f607.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=heather.lindula@state.mn.us4. Eveleth Horizons Website launched!
Stefanie has been working hard on the website and welcomes your feedback on what sort of information you'd like posted.
http://www.eveleth.blogspot.com/ Feel free to post comments directly on the blog if you're comfortable. To get articles or events posted, email them to liz at
http://us.f607.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=kuoppala@yahoo.com or Heather at
http://us.f607.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=heather.lindula@state.mn.us5. Join a Commission!
The City of Eveleth is currently taking applications for positions on various boards and commissions - download more information and application at:
http://www.evelethmn.com/ (click on "commissions and boards" and scroll to bottom of page). Several Horizons participants have already applied!
6. Recruit Good Paying Jobs
At the Council's recent goal-setting workshop, Liz Kuoppala was assigned the task of pulling together a committee to develop a plan for Eveleth to attract good paying jobs. The Committee will begin their work shortly after the 4th of July and report back to the City Council in September. If you are interested in helping on this committee, please contact Liz at
http://us.f607.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=kuoppala@yahoo.com7. July 6th Movies in the Park
Liz will be showing "Arthur & The Invisibles" (
http://www.arthur-movie.com/) for Eveleth's "Movies in the Park" event at Veterans Park on Ely Lake on Friday, July 6th. She could use volunteers beginning at 7p (movie starts approximately 8p) - rsvp to
http://us.f607.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=kuoppala@yahoo.com - or just show up for the fun, family-friendly, event.
8. Horizons Helps With Transportation Grant Request
Horizons submitted a letter of support for an AEOA transportation grant request from the State of Minnesota to fund ideas generated in Eveleth's Study Circles. AEOA is applying for $60,000 for transportation assistance for low-income people and $150,000 for transportation advocates to help low-income people develop transportation plans. Watch future updates to keep posted on the status of the grant application.
9. Other Opportunities Coming Soon...
After Leadership Plenty wraps up at the end of July, there will be opportunities to sign up for a range of committees to begin working towards goals identified in Study Circles and prioritized at the May 17 Action Forum. Watch for the July Horizons Update or contact Heather or Liz for further information.
10. Thanks to everyone for your dedication and enthusiasm!
Over 140 people participated in Study Circles; Horizons staff visiting for the Action Forum told us we had the most energized group of people they've seen across the state; we are close to meeting our goal for Leadership Plenty; and people all over town are buzzing with ideas for revitalizing our town and ending poverty in Eveleth. And we've only just begun! "
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
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