Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Just think:

If 2,000 people from Eveleth volunteer one hour each month:

That would be the equivalent....
* In one month the work one person working full-time can accomplish in one year;
* In one month the work 2 full-time employees could accomplish in 6 months;
* Of 24,000 hours of work in one year;
* In one year the work 12 full-time employees can accomplish in one year;
* In 6 months, the work 24 full-time employees can accomplish.

Are you willing to contribute one hour per month?
Are there issues in the community that you are passionate about?
Issues you would like to see changed and addressed?
Areas you are interested in working on?

Eveleth Horizons would love to have more people from the community working together toward the goal of eradicating poverty and making Eveleth thrive.

Please contact us at eveleth.horizons@gmail or call 218-744-2098.

Working together we can accomplish what before seemed impossible!

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