Monday, July 2, 2007

Community Visioning

Heather was able to attend a meeting last Friday (6/29) where the discussion centered around what the next pieces will look like for Horizons.
Here's part of the plan:

1. Eveleth has been signed up for both a Tourism and Retail Trade Analysis. The people who do this from the University of MN Extension, will work with the Eveleth community. The goal is to identify what businesses may work here and in what ways we can capatalize on the tourism industry. The Horizons program will be paying for this, so Eveleth Horizons won't have to worry about raising money to do so. Eveleth Horizons is looking for 1 to 2 more people who are interested in working on this committee. We would really like to have at least one youth involved in the process. If interested please contact Heather or comment on this post. If you would like more information, you can visit these web sites: or

2. November 1st of this year Eveleth Horizons will have a community visioning rally. This will be in the evening and the plan is for a speaker to come who has done extensive work with small towns and rural areas. Please mark your calendars for this exciting event. If you would like more information or to be on the planning committee, please contact Heather by phone, e-mail, or by commenting on this post. Also, this is a challenge to everyone: find at least 10 people to come to the rally. (Just imagine if each of the 140 participants in Study Circles found 10 people to come to the event, we would have 1,400 people there) The ultimate goal is less than half of that, so let's try hard to get the whole community to the event because the bigger the event is the better. If you have any connections to organizations/employers/civic groups/etc. and have a contact person, please let Heather know so information can be mailed to let them know of the event.

3. Kudos to all of the work that everyone does. It was so fun to share an update of the Eveleth Horizons and show all the amazing success for the program and the amazing reality of how quickly it was acheived. Thanks for all that each and everyone of you do. This program is a success because of you.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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