Symptoms and Cures for Spring Fever Blues
Like the confused plants, peepers and other sleepy wildlife, I cannot resist waking early from hibernation. The moment it reaches fifty degrees, I long for those days to walk barefoot across the soft green grass, no longer staring out the kitchen window feeling the symptoms of spring fever pangs. I'm no long satisfied with my lazy listless feelings of not giving a crap.
With symptoms of spring fever at epidemic levels, a change of pace sounds rather appealing.
If you're feeling blue and think you may be suffering from symptoms of spring fever, rest assured you are not alone. There are many ways of overcoming symptoms of spring fever blues.
Cures for Spring Fever Blues
Ok, it's time to get the blood flowing. Come out from your winter hibernation and get active. I am certain being active is a good cure if you have cabin fever or the spring fever blues.
This is a good time of year to get out and explore. Take a hike in the woods or do a nature walk with your friends and family. Listen very carefully to the sounds of spring all around you like the soft spring breeze rustling through the leaves, or water flowing and birds singing all while you get some fun and healthy exersise to cure your spring fever blues.
Ten more Tips to Cure Spring Fever Blues
I. Inhale the rich earthy smell of the ground or the early blooms like the gardenias. Pick them, bring them into your home and float them in bowls of water around the house. This makes for a heavenly sight and scent to cure your spring fever blues.
2. Open up your windows and let in the warm fresh air and the sweet spring aromas of the early tree blossoms. One of my favorites is the lilac. It reminds me of home when growing up. Make everything smell fresh and clean. Notice all the bright spring colors and sweet fragrances all around, outside and in.
3. On the next warm day get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Fire up the grill and make some picnic goodies like hotdogs and hamburgers. Then treat yourself to your favorite ice cream.
4. If "old man winter" is still around where you live why not give indoor gardening a try. Plant a windowsill herb garden, make a terrarium, build a birdfeeder or hand paint some flower pots.
5. Put away your winter decorations and liven up your home with a fresh coat of paint and buy yourself some beautiful houseplants or a bouquet of fresh flowers or change the room around to keep you busy and to give you a change of scenery for a sure spring fever cure.
6. Add a touch of spring with brightly colored pillows of pinks, yellows, and white to accent your rooms and to add some cheer.
7. Hang some fun and colorful pictures or posters of your favorite beach or flower or whatever else turns you on. Tropical beaches are my favorites. Whatever makes you happy!
8. It may not be warm enough for the beach right now but listening to some reggae or Hawaiian music can help you daydream of those gentle winds with the warmth of the sun shining on your hair and skin.
9. There are a variety of resources at your Eveleth library that will help relieve the symptoms of spring fever. Check out the videos and DVD travelogues. Check out the travel guides and make plans for your summer vacation. If you like gardening now is the time to read from the vast collection of gardeningbooks. Choose a book of interest and do read to your hearts content.
10. This ones my favorite Owe-it-to-yourself day is a cure for spring fever and a good way to clear your mind of life expectations and breathe new life into it. Be good at shaking your life up from time to time. Dream Big! Dream the Impossible Dream!
courtesy of hubpages.com