Thursday, February 26, 2009

2009 Eveleth PUCK Days

Patrick / Urho Community Kinship Days
Family Fun the Whole Weekend!
March 13 -14, 2009

United States Hockey Hall of Fame Museum Admission Special
$5.00 Admission on Saturday and Sunday
Enter to win a Hockey Hall of Fame Museum Jersey (need not be present to win)

Eveleth No-Check Tournament
Come watch teams from near and far!
Friday 3:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For Registration information contact Jeff Torrell 741-2209 or Frank Klabecheck at 744-5312

Friday Events to Enjoy:
Chili Cook-off at Hoagies from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Arch Allies” Journey Tribute Band 8:30 p.m. at Goodfella’s Bar and Grill

Saturday Events to Enjoy:
Arrowhead DARE Family Sliding 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
At the RRCC Run – Bonfire- Hot Dogs, Chips, and Hot Chocolate served.
No sled…No problem…DARE will have sleds for families to use!

Antique, Vintage, and Unique Snowmobile Show and Parade
Parade line-up starting at 11 a.m. in Southside Park (behind IGA)
Parade at 1 p.m. held on Grant Avenue between Fayal and Jones Street.
Show and judging will occur on 100 block of Grant Avenue and Monroe Street
Awards ceremony at 3:00 p.m.
1p.m. parade featuring many floats for your entertainment.

Bonsai Tea to Host Events (12 -6)
Keynote Speaker: Historian Harry Lamppa
12:00 p.m.Discussion on how Finland was saved from the Grasshopper by St. Urho
'Blues' music by Blew Reed and Lil' Dicky Window (Ely Blues festival) 12 p.m.-4 p.m.
Open Stage featuring some of the great talent of the region, poetry and music jam! 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
Eveleth Memorabilia Show sponsored by Eveleth Heritage Committee 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday
Eveleth Public Library “Reading to the Dogs” (2 - 4 PM)
Wells Fargo Kids Booth (Afternoon)
Arrowhead Transit will have a free shuttle bus for those traveling from one event to another

Come bring your sled or float for the parade!
Visit for details

Sponsored in part by: Eveleth Horizons, 5 Seasons Sport Center
Arrowhead Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration,
BLADE Snowmobiles, Dale’s Snowmobile & ATV Repair,
Jon’s Drug, Miner’s Bank of Eveleth,, Inc.

Parade maps will be provided at time of registration. Please see below.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Proposed changes

The proposed budget cuts by the governor are very real and closely affect members of our community. Here are 2 stories of how the proposed changes would affect lifes. Both presented this to the legislators that met at MRCTC on Friday:

"Hi my name is Lindsey. I am a working single mother with 2 children.

When I had my son I could work only one full time job and barely made ends meet. With rent, utility, food and childcare I would run out of money at the middle of the month. A friend told me about MFIP for the food and childcare, and thanks to MFIP I have a little money for diapers, wipes, and clothes for my kids. I tried going back to college but there were no openings for childcare and my friends couldn’t provide reliable daycare with their changing schedules so I had to quit school. I grew up in foster care so I don’t have family that can help me out. I finally got daycare assistance and now I am going back to school this summer to get a degree in human services, so I can better my life for my kids and myself.

I acknowledge that there are people out there who are lazy and don’t want to work so they take MFIP assistance for granted. But there are a lot of people in my situation who abide by all the rules MFIP has. For example: we volunteer or job search 25 hours a week. The volunteering helps us get the experience we need to find a job either at our volunteer site or someplace else; it gives us the experience and work references we need for other employment opportunities. We turn in time cards, paystubs, or anything that our financial workers or employment counselors need. My employment counselor got me into an office works program to update my skills with computers so I can have something recent to put on my resume. I was fortunate to take that program because it landed me with the organization I am doing paid work experience for now.

I don’t plan on being on MFIP for long. I can’t take care of 2 children on $387 a month. I do need the food support and childcare though. I have been working since I was 15 yrs old. I enjoy working but these days you need a degree to get any decent paying job, I intend to find that job but I know I need to finish school and I wouldn’t be able to be going back to school and work if it wasn’t for MFIP and the support systems they help people with in my situation.

If the Governor cuts child care assistance, I won’t be able to go to school or to work. My MFIP check is $387 – it would be $437 but the State takes out $50 because I live in subsidized housing – if the Governor’s proposal passes to cut $100 because of my housing subsidy, I don’t know how I will pay for diapers – you cannot buy diapers with food stamps and I have to pay my rent, utilities, and phone bill, there’s nothing left for my children’s needs.

I don’t have a car. A volunteer driver with AEOA’s Rural Rides program brings me to work every day and brings my children to daycare. The Governor’s budget proposes cutting people off MFIP if they have a car worth $7,500 – He doesn’t understand that I need reliable transportation when I’m driving in cold weather with young children. Besides my monthly budget doesn’t have room to have a fixer-upper that I’m always bringing in for repairs. I don’t have money to buy a car, but it seems crazy to kick me off MFIP if somebody were to donate a car to my family to help us get ahead.

Thank you for listening. All I want for myself and my children is an opportunity to work and go to school and build a life for ourselves. I don’t need hand-outs but I could use a reliable hand-up. If given a chance, I will work hard to be a contributing member of society."

"Good afternoon, My name is Stef and I’m the single mother of two beautiful children. Thank you for being here to hear impacts on the Governor’s proposed budget. My family was directly affected by his 2003 budget cuts to childcare. I made $36.00 a week too much to receive any kind of childcare assistance, leaving me in a dire situation. 3/5 of my weekly paycheck went to pay for childcare. I was left with nothing to feed my kids after rent and utilities were paid.

I made a very difficult choice to leave my employer of 5 years to go back to school to make a better living for my family. Now here I am almost finished with school and living in public housing. I’m working, going to school, and I give back to the community with my time each month. I pay rent and utilities and already there is a 50.00 deduction from my monthly grant just for living in subsidized housing.

Just to give you an idea, this month’s grant is $400. After paying rent that drops to $310 and after utilities it leaves me $210 for the month. Even if I include my income from working I have $410 this month to purchase just the necessities such as toilet paper, laundry soap, garbage bags, diapers, car insurance, phone bill, clothes and shoes for kids and the gas to get to and from school, work, and lets not mention any car repairs that may happen. Now the Governor wants to increase the $50 housing penalty to $100 – that is, people on MFIP who live in subsidized housing will have to pay $100 per MONTH to fix the state’s budget problem. It’s hard to face the reality that another $50.00 could be taken away just because I live in subsidized housing. I would have to work another 7 ½ hours to make $50, which would raise the State’s portion of the daycare bill by $43 for the month. So, the $50 the Governor will take from me, will cost the State an additional $43. It would make more sense to just raise my taxes by $7 a month.

By not raising taxes the Governor’s budget segregates specific groups, like people on MFIP or people who need childcare, or people who need health care, or even just the working class. Raising the income tax would affect all of us equally. I’m happy to pay, but I don’t want a disproportionate part of the cost to fall on my family and on other families in the same or similar situations.

Thanks again for being here."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Food Support

Did you know that effective January 1, 2009, the Food Support (Food Stamp) Program rules changed?

If you have been told in the past that you could only receive three months of Food Support OR were told that you are no longer eligible because you used your three months, you may be eligible to get Food Support until December 31, 2009

Because of changes in the Food Support Program, participation in the Food Support Employment and Training program is now voluntary.

However, if you are interested in volunteering for the Employment and Training Program, talk to your financial worker. Your participation is voluntary, buty may help you access support services such as help with transportation, tools, equipment, supplies, uniforms, clothing suitable for job interviews, as well as other services.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Do you know a family in MN who became homeless because of the downturn in the economy?

If so, please contact Heather at 748-2273 by 10AM on 2/12.

Oprah would like to talk to a family with the focus of the who being on the economy and it's effect on low-income families.

Tough Times

In these tough financial times, it is important to know of some potential help in the community. Please visit this website for ideas, resources, and assistance to help make it through the tough times:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

PUCK Days Parade Participants Wanted

Eveleth PUCK Days Snowmobile Parade participants are wanted. the Parade is set for Saturday, March 14 at 1:00 p.m. For participation information please contact Beth Peterson at 290-7790 or

Eveleth PUCK DAYS 2009

Antique, Vintage & Unique Snowmobile Parade & Show
Patrick / Urho Community Kinship Days
Family Fun the Whole Weekend!
March 13 -14, 2009 ♣ Eveleth, MN

Schedule of Events (more details to come)

Friday, March 13
Hoagies Bar Chili Cook-off (PM)
Goodfella’s hosts “Arch Allies” Journey Tribute Band (8:30 p.m.)
Eveleth No-Check Tournament (Contact Sleeves Sportsman’s Bar at 744-4306 for registration)

Saturday, March 14
Antique, Vintage & Unique Snowmobile Show & Parade (1:00 PM)
(Staging 11:00 AM, Parade 1:00 PM, Show & Judging 3:00 PM, Awards & Trophies to follow)
Arrowhead DARE Sliding Hill Fun (AM)
Eveleth Public Library “Reading to the Dogs” (2:00 PM)
Wells Fargo Kids Booth (Afternoon)
Bonsai Tea Stage featuring 'Blues' music by Blew Reed and Lil' Dicky Window (Ely Blues festival), (12-4PM)
Bonsai Tea Eveleth Memoriabilia Show sponosried by Eveleth heritage Committee (throughout)
Eveleth Elks Children’s Event (TBD)
Eveleth No-Check Hockey Tournament Continuation

Contact: Beth Peterson at or 218-290-7790
(If emailing please place “PUCK Days” in subject line)

Special Thanks to the following Businesses for the Snowmobile Awards & Trophies
5 Seasons Sport Center
Arrowhead Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration
Dale’s snowmobile & ATV Repair, Inc.
BLADE Snowmobiles

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wind Energy Seminar

Mesabi RangeCommunity & Technical College
1001 West Chestnut Street
Virginia, MN 55792
(218) 749-0316

Contact: Roxanne Richards (218) 749-0316
Director of Continuing Education/Customized Training

Featured Speakers Are Experienced Wind Industry Professionals.
VIRGINIA, Minn. (February 2009) – Mesabi Range Community & Technical College, one of Minnesota’s longstanding and most respected community colleges, will sponsora FREE Wind Energy Seminar, "Wind Energy for a New Era" on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in the theatre (F100) on the Virginia Campus.
Open to the public, this seminar will feature professionals, Dan Juhl and Dan Janisch.
Dan Juhl is the CEO of Juhl Wind, an established leader in community-based wind power throughout the United States & Canada. Dan Juhl has pioneered community-based wind farms and developed the currently accepted financial, operational, and legal structure for providing local ownership of wind farms.
Dan Janisch, Project Manager for Kraus-AndersonConstruction Company, has managed utility scale wind projects throughout the US & Canada, and most recently Taconite Ridge in Mountain Iron. His projects include the Prince Wind Project in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario – Canada’s largest single installation of wind power until 2009. Dan Janisch and the team at Kraus-Anderson provide management and oversight services for wind farm development and construction.
This seminar will focus on the many aspects of the wind power industry including the state of the wind industry, residential and small scale wind power, wind power for your community, and large scale utility projects.
A question and answer session will follow the seminar presentation.


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