National Night Out
What is National Night Out?
It’s America’s Night Out against Crime! "Turn your lights on to turn off crime."
National Night Out is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
History of National Night Out
· Started in 1984 with 400 communities in 23 states
· Started with “lights on” and front porch vigils
· To promote police-community partnerships, crime prevention, neighborhood camaraderie.
· The event is the first Tuesday of every August.
Eveleth’s History of National Night Out
· Eveleth Horizons sponsored inaugural National Night Out block parties.
In 2007 over 200 Eveleth residents participated. On this 25th anniversary of National Night Out, planners estimate 35 million people in more than 11,000 communities will join forces on August 5th to promote neighborhood unity.
"National Night Out 2007" 
2008 Blockparties are going to be held at:
200 block of Auburn
800 block of Clay & Summit in the alley
700 block of Harrison
700 block of Cleveland
100 block of Lincoln
700 block of Hayes
300 block of Monroe
600 block of Clay
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