Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A letter from a former Eveleth Resident

Attached is a letter from a former Eveleth resident: How many of you remember sliding, berry picking, etc.? Please feel free to comment below:

Hi, I am Terri Hendrickson Matala originally from Eveleth. Born, Baptized, confirmed and graduated from EHS.

The sliding hill is the place where I used to pick strawberries there every summer when I was young - lots of them and raspberries, too.

I lived at 520 Mckinley Avenue, the place that my grandfather built, and then moved to Clay street. My father was the fire chief of Eveleth for many years.
Would like to buy some property there, a small piece of land to live on - May through September- but no soap. Not found any yet. It's good the kids have a place to slide now though. I used to slide down Camp Hill when I was young. Starting at the Lincoln School and make a right turn on a sled down Camp Hill. That was a fun thing to do. Also learned to skate at the Lincoln School rink where my brothers learned and played hockey for Eveleth. My oldest brother was the valedictorian of EHS when he graduated at age age 16. He has passed away now however. I miss not living in Eveleth. It was and is a nice town. I now live in Sahuarita, AZ - a town 30 miles from the Mexican border. Love the weather here. Keep up the good work of keepingEveleth alive. Adios, Terri

Monday, January 28, 2008

The winner is...

Thanks to Syndey Karpik for naming the new sliding hill - "RRCC Run". She was presented with a copy of the resolution by the City of Eveleth and a sweatshirt from the Eveleth Horizons project.

Sydney and Mayor Bill Matos
Sydney and Councilor Kellvig

Friday, January 18, 2008

Community Activites Committee Meeting

The Community Activites Committee will be meeting on Monday, January 21, 2008.

We will be meeting at the Deluxe Cafe from 5:30pm to 7pm.

The main focus of this meeting is planning a winter parade in Eveleth.

All are welcome to attend!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Transportation / Basic needs

Rural Rides is transportation assistance for persons in rural St. Louis and Lake Counties. This program is sponsored by AEOA and funded by the Minnesota Department of Transportation through a Job Access Reverse Commute Grant.

What does this program do for you?

A transportation advocate can help you with:
*Bus tickets and passes
*Information on bus routes and schedules
*Help identifying community resources available to you
*Help connecting with car pool or ride share
*Temporary Volunteer Driver
*Learning to Budget for your transportation
*An innovative and personalized transportation plan.

* Income guidelines apply for some services

Going to work the same place as someone else who has no transportation, but you do? Need a ride to work and know someone from the community who works where you do?
Ask about the "Work Buddy Driver Assistance" through Rural Rides.

For information on Rural Rides, please contact Marcia at:
e-mail her at:
TDD phone: 218-748-7566

Transportation / Basic Needs

Some exciting information to aid in the transportation issues facing Eveleth.

Arrowhead Transit has the following routes:

Eveleth to Duluth Every Friday:
7:25: Hilltop Manor
7:29: Eveleth City Hall
10:00: Arrive Duluth
10:00: Shuttle to medical appointments
1:30: Medicals back to the Miller Hill Mall
1:45: Leave Duluth

Eveleth to Virginia (Monday through Friday)
7:00 Eveleth pickups (arrive Virginia at 7:45)
8:50 Eveleth pickups (arrive Virginia at 9:15)
11:30 Eveleth pickups (arrive Virginia at 11:45)

Return from Virginia (Monday through Friday)

Eveleth to Virginia (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
9:30 Eveleth pickups
9:45 West Eveleth pickups
10:00 arrive Virginia

You can access Arrowhead Transit's shuttle while in Virginia at no additional cost.
Monday through Friday:
11:45 Virginia Senior Center
11:48 Super One North
11:57: Thunderbird Mall
12:00 SuperOne South

One Way Fares:
To Duluth: $2.40
To Gilbert: $2.00
To Virginia: $1.75

The pick ups in Eveleth are curbside pickups. You call Arrowhead Transit 218-741-0724 and arrange a ride. If you want to ride the bus at 7AM, you need to call the day prior. This bus only runs on the days ODC is open. Please call Arrohead Transit with any questions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Horizons Economic Development Meeting Set for January 17, 2008

The next Horizon's Economic Development meeting has been set for Thursday January 17, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. at the Eveleth Super 8. The agenda will include creating new committee objectives and partnerships for 2008.

All Eveleth citizens are encouraged to attend. See you then!

Other Horizon's meetings/events schedules can be viewed at

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January Update – 2007 Year in Review

”No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.” – Clement Stone

In January-March, over two hundred people studied poverty issues in Eveleth – we learned that over 45% of Eveleth residents, according to the 2000 census, do not make enough money to meet their basic needs. We spent hours discussing the causes of poverty in our diverse groups; we grappled with issues of racism, lack of jobs, lack of support, lack of personal responsibility, economic inequality, bad public policy, cuts in education funding, and many other causes of poverty. We looked at successes of other small towns, we identified our assets, and we brainstormed short, intermediate, and long-range projects to help eliminate poverty and turn Eveleth into a thriving community. Nearly 30 people attended an advanced leadership training to learn how to put the ideas into action.

Some of the small projects have already been accomplished:
- Summer soccer program
- Community blog (
- Recruitment of volunteers to serve on city commissions
- Assisted AEOA in securing a state transportation grant of $150,000.
- Monthly summer clean-up of Grant Avenue’s business district
- Inaugural participation in National Night Out activities
- Skateboarding Competition and Open House at the newly relocated skatepark
- Learn to Skate program at the Hippodrome
- Involvement in planning a regional visit of the Legislative Poverty Commission
- Creation of a sliding hill

Eveleth Has a Vision! – On November 1, facilitator David Beurle led discussion on his top ten attributes for successful communities. Among the things going well in Eveleth, according to the participants, were strong belief in and support for education and a strong presence of traditional institutions that are integral to community life. Eveleth came out luke warm on evidence of strong community pride and inclusive culture, investing in the future, and self-reliance of the community. Growth opportunities included creating a participatory approach to decision making, creatively building new economic opportunities, supporting local business, deliberate transition to new leaders, and a willingness to seek help from the outside. Next, the group created a vision for the Eveleth they’d like to have in 10-15 years:

Our rich culture and history defines who we are. Our community is a safe, close-knit place where neighborhood values make Eveleth a great place to raise a family. We are a progressive, cohesive and collaborative community that works together to make our community thrive. We have a range of unique and exciting community events that attract people from across the world to celebrate our heritage, our history, and our culture. In particular, we are renowned for our world-class Hockey Hall of Fame!

Eveleth is a business-friendly community that builds on taconite, timber, and tourism. Our entrepreneurial economy is evident in our vibrant and bustling downtown that provides diverse opportunities for all. The fresh face on our historical buildings demonstrates community pride and innovation. Recreation opportunities provide welcoming ways for the young and old to come together.

Volunteers signed up to work on the following committees: Economic Development; Blight/Beautification; Youth Activities/Involvement; Community Activities; and, Downtown Revitalization. Contact Heather at 218.305.4456 for more information on opportunities to get involved. Let’s begin 2008 with gusto!

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
–Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

And the winner is...

A Resolution by the City of Eveleth, Minnesota, naming Eveleth’s new sliding hill RRCC (pronounced rock) Run.

Whereas, Eveleth is a city on a hill in a snowy winter climate; and,

Whereas, nearly every adult resident has fond memories of afternoons spent whisking down slippery slopes; and,

Whereas, young and not-so-young alike enjoy affordable, family-friendly winter recreation; and,

Whereas, the development of a sliding hill was made possible by Eveleth Horizons, Eveleth Parks Commission, City Council, and Public Works staff; and,

Whereas, more than one hundred members of the Eveleth Community gathered for a Grand Opening celebration of the sliding hill on January 1, 2008, for an afternoon of sledding fun, building snowmen, sipping hot chocolate, and enjoying a cozy bonfire; and,

Whereas, 54 fabulous entries were submitted for a Name That Hill Contest; and,

Whereas, the Eveleth Parks Commission chose a winning entry that is descriptive of both the hill and its location; and,

Whereas, the name RRCC Run (pronounced “Rock”) was submitted by Sydney Karpik;

Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Eveleth, Minnesota that the sliding hill be named RRCC Run.

Passed and Approved by the City Council of Eveleth, Minnesota, this day the 2nd of January, 2008.

Grand opening of the sliding hill

On New Year's Day, a grand opening was held for the new sliding hill. The parks commission, City of Eveleth, and Eveleth Horizons all played a part in making this event a success.Signs have been posted to lead the way to the parking area. The hill can be accessed from Park or from the RRCC.
The hill was completed and a joy for all those that chose to slide. The ride down is worth the hike up the hill.

Special thanks to Mike (City of Eveleth) for all the work he did to make this vision a reality.
Special thanks to: Connie, Kathy, and Barb (Parks Commission)
People of all ages enjoyed the festivities. Parents came with their children, grandparents brought their grandchildren....

The methods were broad: from inner tubes, to sleds of all sizes, shapes, etc. to snowboards....
The day was cold, but the hot chocolate, cookies, and fire helped to warm up...
A contest was held :
54 entries were received and include names such as:
Lightning Hill; Snowville Hill; Hat Trick Hill; Happy Hill; Widow maker hill; Golden Bear Hill; RRCC Run; Sub Zero Hill; Frost Bite Ridge; Slippery Slope; Northern Heights; Quite a Hike Hill; Heck of a Hill; Big Freeze Expressway; Eveleth Express; Jack Frost Hill; "RRCC On" Sliding Hill. The Parks Commission met to vote on a name for the hill and then a recommendation will be made to the City to make it official.
A snowman building contest was also a part of the festivities:
"Pom Pom Snow Girl" was built by: Tina, Chris, Katie, Damion, Dylan, Hunter, and Driften
Prizes were awarded for creativity and fun

"Samantha" the Hula Snowgirl was created by Grandma Cathy along with granddaughters Shelby and Maggie

Sheila, JD, and daughter Lily worked together to create their snowman

"The old snowman of the mountain" was created by Jim and Tony.
Thanks to all those who made this event such a success. We will share more information when the name of the hill is decided and made official.
To each of you - may you have time to spend with family, friends,... this year and "Sled the hill".


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